Sunday, December 03, 2006

Free to good home: 2 Cats, and one kitten!

Yesterday I mentioned about the decoration fest that Sue went on. When Sandy got home, she helped Sue put the rest of the ornaments on the tree. After they were done, I got a picture of the newly decorated tree. Fortunately that is.

When we got up this morning, the tree was on the floor. Ornaments were on the floor. 2 cats and one kitten were sitting there looking at me like"So where's our breakfast, man?" The only thing we can figure is that when we went to bed, they decided to help decorate the tree themselves. Being kitties, they couldn't go down the street to Dollar General, so they used the next best thing for ornaments. Themselves!

Obviously the wight of 2 cats and a kitten was just a bit too much for our five year old artificial tree. Hence, he tree on the floor. We put the tree back up, and tied it to a plant hook in the ceiling above the tree, with some twine. The angel tree topper didn't quite fit correctly, so I used the ribbons at the neck of the angel and tied her to the twine. Hey, you gotta use what you can to make things work.

Needless to say I can't wait to see innovative decorations our felines come up with in the middle of the night tonight... just wont guarantee they will live to do any more decorating after that...

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