Sunday, December 10, 2006

A fortuitous walk

Last night, Sue and I went for a walk around the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. This is something we have enjoyed doing since we have been together. We have fun looking at how other folks have decorated, and get ideas for things we might want to do ourselves. Last nigh we also came up with a dividend. In front of one house was some cut up wood. Apparently a branch had come down, and the homeowner had cut it into smaller pieces.

After church today, we went over to the house to ask if we could have some of the wood. They told us sure, and we went back home to get something to carry it in. We dumped out the papers we had in the recycle bin, and used that.

Unfortunately, by the time we got back, the guy had taken a goodly portion of the wood, and stuck it in his garage. Oh well, we still ended up with a few pieces. We did learn something though, keep your eyes open, and you just might find something useful. I figure that we may just come across more wood somewhere along the line.

We enjoy having a fireplace. Sue has never had one, I lived with a girl years ago that had one, so I have a little experience with starting fires. Sue loves messing with the fire, and helping to keep it going. I love watching her eyes light up as she finds something that she enjoys. I plan to do as much as I can to help her find new things that she can have fun with. That gives me a great deal of enjoyment.

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