Monday, April 30, 2007

And then there was one, too!

Last night, the youth of our church, Covenant Presbyterian put on their spring Dinner Theater Play. The title was"And then there was one, too!" This is a sequel to the play they did last spring, called "And then there was one." The premise of both plays is nearly identical to the similarly titled book and play by Agatha Christie. A group of people are lured to a remote location for various reasons, and then bumped off, one by one. Or so it seems.

Our daughter Sandy played Margaret LaRue in both plays. Last year she was the first character "killed" and went through much of the play being covered by a blanket, disguised as a lamp, or being carried ( and dropped accidentally ) by other characters.

This time, she was the first to arrive for the festivities, and didn't become a "corpse" until much later in the play. At that point she was brought into the scene in a shopping cart, covered by a blanket!

Both plays were hysterically funny, with a lot of silly one liners, and double entendres. At the end of both plays it is discovered that no one has actually been killed, they have been brought together to write a mystery play to earn $10,000.00 each.

Sandy and all of the kids had a great time. We had dinner first, and then went down into the Parlor for the play. Ticket sales are to help earn money for youth trips with the church. It was a great cause, and a fun night.

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