Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mac will soon be a Unique (eunuch) Kitty!

I finally got off my rear end and contacted The Colony Animal Shelter about getting Mac fixed. They have a spay and neuter clinic every month or so, and as it turns out they have one on February 12th. Mac is about 7 months old, and it's about time.

The cost is $25.00, plus $5.00 for the rabies shot he has to have. So for $30.00 we will have another nutless kitty! Yeah I know that sounds mean, but what can I say. When I gave Sue the particulars, she looked at Mac and told him: "Well, Mac, lick em' while ya got em'!"

When you consider that Mac has an annoying tendency to jump up on the counters, and we have both considered cutting them off ourselves, he is getting off pretty easy.

It will really be interesting to see how Jenny and Shadow treat him when we get him back home on the afternoon of the 12th. He was pretty feisty when we first got him, and when Jenny walked up to the carrier, Mac spit and hissed at her. Come to think of it he still is a feisty little shit! But when we get him home from being neutered, he will have the smell of the anesthesia on him, so that will put them a little bit off.

We're also curious as to how getting neutered will affect his personality. Before we got Shadow fixed, he was a lot more outgoing. Now he's a fraidy cat. Go figure. Like I said we are wondering what this is gonna do to Mac. Not getting him neutered is not an option however. We don't want him to start spraying, which male cats tend to do. That and if he ever got out, we don't want to add to the stray kitty population. So in the words of Bob Barker, "Remember to get your dog or cat spayed or neutered!"

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