Friday, January 12, 2007

Here is the real blog!

If you have read this blog for any time, you may have noticed that on Fridays, I usually copy the "At the Movies"guide from the Dallas Morning News, and post it on the blog. It was easy, and gave me a quick, sort of down and dirty blog. No thinking, no hassles, just a quick cut and paste. Sue pointed out that this was cheating. She's right. If my goal is to write in this blog on a daily basis, then a quick cut and paste, not matter how easy it is, constitutes cheating. At the least it's somewhat lazy!

So I have come up with a compromise. I will post the movie guide in the morning, then write a real blog later in the day. Well, here it is, later in the day.

Sue has been feeling bleckie ( Her word) lately, and has been running a low grade fever for the last couple of weeks. She got hold of her doctor, and we went in to see her. (Yes she actually called at 1:30 and got an appointment at 3:30. When we left the house, it was raining a little, just a drizzle actually. By the time we came out of the doctors office, it was pouring rain. The streets were flooding and when we got in the house, we discovered the temperature had dropped from 67 to 40. This was in the space of an hour and a half. Sheesh!

The fun part is that now I gotta go back out to get Sue's meds. The doctor gave her a prescription for anti-biotics. I am waiting for the rain to let up a tad, because on top of this rain we have a winter storm coming, and are expecting about a half inch of ice on the ground by morning. Loverly!!!!

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