Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year one and all. Here’s hoping 2006 will bring joy to everyone. I know in our lives he prospects are looking pretty good thus far. We have many blessings heading our way, some have already arrived; our kids, some of the disability money, and most important of all, my continuing relationship with my Wonderful Counselor, Jesus Christ. None of the former would have been possible without the Latter!

Today we plan to take the kids to see The Chronicles of Narnia. I will write a review of the film for tomorrow’s blog.

In the meantime, we are getting Tara and Elisa packed for their flight home tomorrow. Our good friend Kurt ( one of the contributors to the blog )  has offered to take us to the airport, and we greatly appreciate it.  This will be their first time on a plane. They will be flying with each other under the watchful ( hopefully ) eyes of the flight attendants of the airline.  We will miss them, but we will soon be busy getting Sandy on insurance here in Texas, getting her curriculum figured out for home schooling, oh yes, and Sue and I will be starting our next classes in school ourselves.

Friday and Saturday I will be attending the Church Officer retreat at our church, and preparing for ordination as a Deacon on Sunday. Quite an honor to have been called, I pray that God will guide me in this service.

At any rate there are a lot of new things happening in our lives this year. May your lives be as blessed as our lives are. Happy 2006


Wake of the Flood said...

Happy New Year to ya, guys (and gal). Hard to believe it's already three days into the New Year. Maybe thats' 'cuz the big college football bowl games haven't been played yet. Y'all can check my response to your post about rebuilding the Big Easy. And one additional comment: Gulfport and Biloxi are the focal points of the aid effort of the UMC from this part of the country. We have had work teams in Biloxi since November and they'll be folks there right through to next summer. teams go down for 2 weeks and another team comes in and picks up right where they left off.

Mike Bacon said...

Thanks for pointing this out to me Robert. I am glad to know that Gulfport and Biloxi have not been completely forgotten by everyone. I don't disparage the good people of New Orleans, ( apart from my opinions of building cities under sea level...) but it just seemed to me that the news media ony focused on one city.
Happy New Year.